Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Cinnaburst Bread

I LOVE Cinnaburst bread... especially in the mornings with my yogurt and fruit! I love to toast it--It makes the house smell so delicious!! It's way easy to make just add 1 cup of cinnamon chips to your favorite white bread recipe (click here for my recipe) I add a couple of cups of flour and mix like the recipe says; then when the dough is almost the right consistency add in your cinnamon chips. Continue adding flour until the dough is slightly sticky, then let raise and bake according to the directions in your white bread recipe. How easy is that?? then when it's out of the oven I like to rub mine all over with butter, just keeps the crust soft and it looks shiny and pretty.... betcha can't wait until it's cool to slice a piece off and enjoy!!! :)

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